According to the Statista portal, there are 3.5 billion smartphone users in the world. That’s a number close to half of the entire world’s population. Plus, according to statistics, about 70% of millennials use their smartphones to research, book, and manage their trips. But, with more than 2.2 million apps in the Apple Store and another 2.8 million apps in the Google Play Store, how can you get people to download your app?

In a very competitive and mobile-driven market, having an app for your hotel business is something you should consider. It will not only improve your guest’s experience, but it will help you build loyalty and a stronger customer base, bringing not only convenience but practical solutions for the guests.

The Reasons Why People Don’t Download Apps

Is The App Useful?

Even though guests seem to bring their smartphones wherever they go, a vast majority of them don’t download mobile hotel apps because they find it useless for the time booked at the hotel. This is due perhaps to the fact that all the hotel information and services can be seen and used on the hotel’s website.

Mobile hotel apps must be designed in a way that they are attractive and useful to guests at the same time. Guests won’t use your app if they don’t need it or have already another app that can do the same for them.

What Can Be Done To Get People To Download Your Hotel’s Mobile App

If you want people to download and use it, it has to be practical and convenient. But more important, as we said above, the app has to be useful. What is more used by the guests than the key to their room? Setting up mobile keys in your hotel is the best way to have your guest install your app. By having their keys on their smartphones, guests are more inclined to buy extras. That’s why mobile key is the number one feature you want to add to your hotel mobile app. how can you expect selling extra services if no one goes to your website or your app? And of course, this goes with other features such as guest messaging.

Loxe features

Advantages For The Guests

The more advantages and benefits your guests can get from the app, the more likely it is that they will download it. Delivering more value for your guests directly translates into interest. These are some examples of the features that can be offered within the app:

  • Chat and feedback​: It will allow guests to access customer service without moving from their room. They’ll be able to leave feedback without having to write down in pencil what they think about the hotel and their experience. If it makes things easier for them, they’ll use it.
  • Mobile check-in and check out:​ Statistics have shown that about 73% of guests will prefer to skip the check-in at the front desk. This feature will reduce the workload at the front desk and will keep your guests using the app.
  • Upselling services:​ Such as airport shuttle, restaurant reservations, booking a spa service, or calling a taxi can be examples of upselling services that can be sold within the app. If your guest feels he or she has everything that’s needed in one place, it’s more likely that they will download it and use it.
  • Mobile keys: ​Changing your whole key system to mobile keys will keep your guests using your app because they will need to run it each time they enter their room. However, mobile keys without apps can look attractive but lack functionality. Although this can be practical for you, if the app lacks functionality it will most likely be deleted after the guest leaves the hotel. Mobile keys like Loxe are a good example of usefulness and convenience.
  • Loyalty program:​ A rewards program will help you build guest’s loyalty. With this feature, guests can easily earn points and collect rewards.

Security And Potential Harm

There’s a common misconception surrounding mobile hotel apps security. For instance, people tend to believe that mobile keys are unsafe and they can be easily copied. However, today mobile keys are personalized to each device, and the entire communication is encrypted using an A5 algorithm, making it very unlikely to be intercepted and copied.

People also tend to believe too that mobile hotel apps can kill their smartphone battery. Most of the new generation apps don’t drain battery power if they’re not in use. By just having them, there’s no real potential harm for the battery life, and that is something that your users should be aware of.

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